Adding a FAQ Page to Your Website Can Get You More Clients & Save Time

Laura Spencer

Well-known member
Does your business blog or portfolio page have a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page?

If your answer is “no,” you could be losing potential clients and wasting valuable time.

In this post, we’ll discuss an easy way to add a FAQ link to your business blog. We’ll also talk about the information you should include on your FAQ page.

What Is a FAQ Page?​

You may have seen FAQ pages before on technical websites or on customer service sites. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions.

Simply put, a FAQ page or link answers the questions that your clients are most likely to ask. In fact, it’s one of the essential pages you should include on your website.

A FAQ Page Saves You Time​

You remember all of those times you wasted answering the same questions over and over again?

Questions like:
  • Do you accept rush jobs?
  • What is your work philosophy?
  • What type of freelancing do you do?
  • How did you get started?
  • Why do I have to pay 1/2 the price of the job up front?
  • Can I publish your blog post on my website?
Sure, you can and should respond to every serious email from a potential client. But, imagine that all of your best answers to those pesky repeat questions were already written and all you had to do when faced with one of them was to refer the questioners to those pre-written answers.

It would save you a lot of time, wouldn’t it?

Guess what? A FAQ page puts the answers to all those questions that you hate answering at the tip of your fingers. You can quote them in an email or simply refer your potential clients to the URL of your FAQs.

A FAQ Section Gets You More Clients​

How can a FAQ section get you more clients?

Simple. It’s one more place to list your contact information.

FAQs are popular reads for prospective clients who want to learn more about how your business operates without bothering you directly.

Once they have gotten enough information, they are ready to contact you. Including your contact information in FAQs (even if it appears elsewhere on your blog) can be the key to getting a project.

Two Ways to Create a FAQ Pages​

If you can, create a single Frequently Asked Questions page that contains all of your questions and answers. This is especially effective if your list of FAQs is relatively short. (For longer lists, you may want to create a FAQ TOC and use anchors to link to each individual topic on the page.)

If you use WordPress as the content management system for your business blog and your theme allows your categories to be included in the navigation of your site, you can create a FAQ “page” simply by tagging certain posts with the FAQ category. When a visitor to your site clicks on the FAQ navigation link, he or she sees a linked list of all posts tagged with the FAQ category and can simply click on the link that answers the question that he or she had in mind.

Common Information to Include on Your FAQ Page​

Basically, any information that someone might want to know before hiring a freelancer can be included on the FAQ. However, the FAQ doesn’t replace your About page or any other page that is already on your site. This is one time when repetition is okay. The FAQ is a shortcut for your prospective client that allows them to hone in on the exact question that they had.

Here are some common questions that prospective clients often want to know:
  • How much do you charge? While you probably quote projects on an individual basis, your prospective client wants to know if they can afford you. If you have a minimum below which you will not go, this is a good place to put it. You can also write out your payment philosophy here.
  • What payment terms do you require? This is a good place to explain that you require a deposit up front, and how much of a deposit you require.
  • How can I reach you? Despite the fact that you probably have your contact information listed in multiple places on your site, include it once more here.
  • Do you accept rush jobs? Here is a good place to state your rush job policy. Do you encourage them?
  • Do you charge extra for…? Write it out and list it in your FAQs.
  • Where can I see your samples? This question provides a great opportunity to link to your portfolio.
To get a really good idea of what questions to include in your FAQ, look over your email responses to clients (and others) for the past few months. Are there a few questions that you find yourself answering over and over again? Be sure to include those topics in your FAQs as well, even if some of them seem silly to you.

What About You?​

Do you have a FAQ page on your website? What questions do you include?